What Jesus did not say: …make disciples, unless you are personally doubtful and fearful… Nor did he say, …make disciples, unless making disciples would scare some of your friends or others in your church…, nor …make disciples, unless your church tradition and experience does not include sharing your life as I have shared my life with you… The Great Command of Jesus is to engage in the fight to make disciples the way he made disciples.
Every Christian can engage in Missions through prayer, influencing others (evangelism and disciple-making), and other actions in addition to giving financially. May you be encouraged to pray, influence, take action, and get involved. Let God guide your steps. A strong foundation of prayer is essential to successfully applying ourselves to the mission of the church: disciple-making. Imagine what Villa Rica and the world would look like if every one of us gets engaged! The conference presented practical ways to make a difference:
May we prayerfully respond and fully realize We Are Making Disciples;Planting Churches!
Start now and expect great results for God’s Kingdom.